ruby / file guard

I commonly use this stanza at the bottom of my Ruby files:

if $0 == __FILE__
  # pp something

$0 contains the file name of the Ruby script currently being run. If the script is being executed directly, $0 will hold the name of the script file. If the script is being required or loaded as a module, $0 will hold the name of the main script that initiated the loading.

__FILE__ is a built-in constant in Ruby that holds the current file's path. It represents the path to the file that contains the current line of code.

Here's a longer example:

require "http"
require "json"

module GitHub
  class Client
    def get(path) # => (json: Hash | nil, err: String | nil)
      resp = HTTP.timeout(1).get("{path}")
      if resp.code / 100 != 2
        return [nil, resp.status]

      [JSON.parse(resp.body), nil]
    rescue => err
      [nil, err.to_s]

if $0 == __FILE__

I can reference GitHub::Client from other files in the project, which will not run the code in the if $0 == __FILE__ guard.

I can also run the file directly for a tight feedback loop during development.