vim / search project
Projects can be searched for specific text within Vim:
:grep sometext
is a built-in command of Vim.
By default, it will use the system's grep
I override it to use
Search word under cursor
In ~/.vimrc
, this config helps me search for the text under the cursor
and show the results in a "quickfix" window:
vim.opt.grepprg = "rg --vimgrep"
map("n", "K", ':grep! "\\b<C-R><C-W>\\b"<CR>:cw<CR>')
It looks like this when K
is typed with the cursor over processMD
Cursor over each search result, hit Enter
, and the file will be opened.
Search contents of files in project
Also in ~/.vimrc
, this defines a new command Rg
mapped to \
to search for
the provided text and open a quickfix window:
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "\\", ":Rg<SPACE>", { noremap = true })
When \
is pressed, Vim waits for input:
It looks like this when I search for :Rg lua