Static site with Go and Cloudflare Pages

This blog is written with a small, custom Go static site generator. It is auto-deployed to Cloudflare Pages when Markdown articles are merged into the croaky/blog Git repo's main branch.


The static site generator uses Go's embed package, which requires a version of Go 1.16 or higher. Install it, then run:

go install ./...

This installs a blog command-line program:

  blog add <article-url-slug>
  blog serve
  blog build

It expects a file layout like this:

├── articles
│   └──
├── code
│   └── example.rb
├── images
│   └── example.png
└-─ theme
    ├── public
    │   └── favicon.ico
    ├── article.html
    └── index.html


Add an article:

blog add example-article

Edit articles/ in a text editor. It is a GitHub-Flavored Markdown file with no front matter.

The first line of the file is the article title. It must be an <h1> tag:

# Example Article

Preview at http://localhost:2000 with:

blog serve

Embed code blocks from external files into Markdown like this:

code/example.rb instantiate

This embeds code from code/example.rb between begindoc and enddoc magic comments with an id instantiate:

# begindoc: instantiate
require 'example-sdk'

client =
  credential: '...',
  name: 'example',
# enddoc: instantiate

This way, external files whose code is embedded in the Markdown prose can be run, linted, or tested in CI.

If you want to embed the whole file, no magic comments are needed:


Add images to the images directory. Refer to them in articles:

![alt text](/images/example.png)

Modify theme

All theme/public files are copied to public.

The theme/article.html file is parsed as a Go template. Syntax highlighting is generated at build time (no client-side JavaScript highlighting). theme/article.html accepts a data structure like this:

  Article: {
    ID:            "example-article",
    Title:         "Example Article",
    LastUpdatedOn: "April 15, 2018",
    Body:          "<p>Hello, world.</p>",

The theme/index.html template is pure HTML. It is up to the author to decide how to lay out their index and link to their articles.

Cloudflare Pages

Create a static site on Cloudflare Pages:

Use the Cloudflare v2 build environment for the latest version of Go.

To deploy the site, commit and push to the GitHub repo.

View deploy logs in the Cloudflare web interface.